Our mission is to promote awareness of spina bifida and to collaborate with organizations serving the global spina bifida and hydrocephalus community to address their most pressing needs and connect them with resources.

Vision Statement:
The Laurita Spina Bifida Project, Inc. envisions a world in which all people who are affected by spina bifida, be it an individual with spina bifida, a parent, child, sibling, or caregiver, or supporter of the spina bifida community, can engage and interact openly with others in the community and connect based on their shared hope for increased awareness.
We envision a spina bifida community that is united, not fragmented, in which no one feels alone or isolated.
We envision the start of a national, and international, conversation centered around educating others about spina bifida.
We envision a world in which all people with spina bifida are treated with dignity and respect, and in which the medical community is poised to transition youth with spina bifida to adult-centered health care. We also envision a world where someone born with spina bifida may anticipate the same quality of life and medical care as their peers.
Finally, The LSBP, Inc., envisions a world in which individuals with spina bifida and their caregivers and supporters are connected to the resources they need, thereby thriving, leading healthy lives and maximizing their potential as active contributors to our society.