Spina Bifida affects half a million people worldwide.

The Laurita Spina Bifida Project

Hi, I'm Laurita!

It's time to talk spina bifida

The Laurita Spina Bifida Project, Inc. (The LSB Project) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization founded in 2014 by Laurita Tellado. Our mission is to start a global conversation about spina bifida, while connecting individuals and families living with it around the world, and to educate health professionals from all fields on the issues affecting this community, including mental health and adult-centered care as part of the action plan.

laurita tellado
Ambrose Ganshanga

Children with spina bifida continue to be discriminated against, especially in the developing world. They are denied a chance to participate in activities that promote inclusive development in societies. This makes them more vulnerable to secondary disabilities, all forms of abuse, and always at risk of early mortality.

However, working together, with your support, we can make a difference in their lives. Thanks to The Laurita Spina Bifida Project for all the efforts to reach millions of such children.

Ambrose Ganshanga
Founder & Director, Hope Inclusive School, Uganda


Juliana’s Story

By Laurita | October 8, 2017
Posted in

As a young girl, I enjoyed English, drama, and music in school, and was fortunate to attend a good Catholic school that taught me very good English, both written and spoken. I continued to high school, but sadly, my mum died and life changed, I rebelled, and due to peer pressure…

The Laurita Spina Bifida Project celebrates 1-year anniversary & success of ‘Project Tanzania’ with Jewel Award at Hispanicize 2017

By Laurita | April 27, 2017
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ORLANDO, FL- April 27, 2017- (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – The Laurita Spina Bifida Project (The LSB Project), a non-profit organization whose […]

The Laurita Spina Bifida Project raises funds to donate wheelchairs for children in Tanzania

By Laurita | December 14, 2016
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Spina Bifida Project (The LSB Project) launched an online fundraiser on November 29th, which was #GivingTuesday, with the goal of purchasing orthotic equipment…

To Tanzania with Love | The Laurita Spina Bifida Project wants to donate wheelchairs

By Laurita | December 2, 2016
Posted in

I don’t really remember what it’s like not being able to walk. As parental anecdotes recall, I was about two […]

In Case You Are Jealous of My Friday Night

By Laurita | June 3, 2016
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People often comment on my Facebook posts (especially fellow ladies!) saying what a fabulous life I have. They see me […]

The Laurita Spina Bifida Project to Launch at Hispanicize 2016

By Laurita | April 6, 2016
Posted in

Why, yes. It has indeed been a while. Mea culpa. I may not have been fully “present” on Holdin’ Out for […]


Your donation will allow us to help spina bifida and hydrocephalus communities in need around the globe.

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